

2 PhD positions in Drosophila Behavioral Circuit Neuroscience

Two PhD positions are open in the Philipsborn lab at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

We are interested in the behavioral neurobiology of reproduction, with a focus on chemical and acoustic

communication during sexual interactions. We are employing behavioral assays, audio recordings, genetic

manipulation and optogenetics, bioimaging and neuronal reconstructions to understand how circuit motifs

shape behavior.

For more information about the lab:

Beginning: February 2023, or by arrangement

Duration: 4 years

Location: University of Fribourg,

Working time: 100%

Working area and tasks

You will enroll at Fribourg Graduate School of Life Sciences (FGLS) for doctoral education. The University also

offers access to optional doctoral programmes in Life Science/Neuroscience for additional training and

networking opportunities.

Your work will be part of a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

In your research project, you will address one of the following topics:

1) Genetic and neuronal mechanisms of female responses to male inseminate

When female Drosophila copulate, they emit an acoustic signal that reflects male inseminate composition

(female copulation song). You will investigate the molecules, receptors and sensory neurons that allow

females to evaluate inseminate and react to it. Furthermore, you will analyse the neuronal circuits in

peripheral and central nervous system that are involved in female song generation and the communication

between reproductive organs and brain. For your project, you will be trained in and use Drosophila genetics,

RNAi, CRISPR/Cas 9 gene knockouts, optogenetics, behavioral assays, functional imaging, confocal

microscopy, anatomical reconstructions and connectomics.

2) Mechanisms of male plastic mating strategies and inseminate allocation

Male animals from many species, including Drosophila, modulate their mating stragtegies depending on

internal state and female quality. This includes adaptive transfer of inseminate. During your project, you will

analyse how seminal fluid protein composition changes depending on internal and external signals. You will

also invesitgate the neuronal circuits that control inseminate transfer and their modulation by sensory

information from the female. You will be trained in and work with Drosophila genetics, RNAi, CRISPR/Cas 9

gene knockouts, optogenetics, behavioral assays, functional imaging, confocal microscopy, anatomical

reconstructions and connectomics.

Your profile

The ideal candidate has a Master's Degree in Natural Sciences, interest in animal behavior and neuroscience,

proficiency in English and the ability to work independently, creatively and efficiently. Good computer

literacy, programming experience and knowledge of methods in neuroscience, microscopy, genetics and

molecular biology is of advantage.

How to apply/Contact

Please direct further questions and/or send your application (including a cover letter, CV, key records,

references or reference contacts) in a single PDF file to Prof. Anne von Philipsborn



November 20th, 2022. Interviews will be scheduled end November.


Postdoc position in Drosophila Circuit Neuroscience and Functional Imaging

A postdoc position is open in the Philipsborn lab at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

We are interested in the behavioral neurobiology of reproduction, with a focus on chemical and acoustic

communication during sexual interactions. We are employing behavioral assays, audio recordings, genetic

manipulation and optogenetics, bioimaging and neuronal reconstructions to understand how circuit motifs

shape behavior.

For more information about the lab:

Beginning: February 2023, or by arrangement

Duration: 2 years, extension possible

Location: University of Fribourg,

Working time: 100%

Working area and tasks

Your work will be part of a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation addressing genes and

neuronal circuits for inseminate sensing and inseminate allocation in Drosophila reproduction.

During copulation, male flies transfer seminal fluid together with sperm to the female. The molecular and

neuronal mechanisms by which females sense and respond to inseminate, and in this way actively

modulate fertilization success, is incompletely understood. There is good evidence that males strategically

modulate allocation of inseminate, but signaling pathways and nervous system circuits for this

phenomenon are not known.

Together with two PhD students, you will address open questions in inseminate sensing and inseminate

allocation. You will establish and use experimental setups for live imaging of the central and peripheral

nervous system and the reproductive organs in males and females. Your project will also include

performing bioluminescence imaging assays and advanced imaging techniques in freely behaving animals.

You will be trained in and work with Drosophila genetics, optogenetics and functional imaging, anatomical

reconstructions and connectomics. Depending on your profile, you will have the opportunity to lead and

actively shape the project while furthering your scientific track record.

Your profile

The ideal candidate has a PhD in Natural Sciences and a good academic track-record of original research,

project management and problem-solving. Previous experience in any of the following areas is of

advantage: neuroscience, Drosophila biology, connectomics or genetics, advanced microscopy or

electrophysiology, mass spectrometry, behavioral experiments and their analysis and scientific

programming. You are capable of training and fostering the scientific development of Bachelor and Master

students. The position is fully funded, but efforts to acquire your own funding and work toward

independence will be strongly supported.

How to apply/Contact

Please direct further questions and/or send your application (including a cover letter, CV, key records,

references or reference contacts) in a single PDF file to Prof. Anne von Philipsborn



November 20th, 2022. Interviews will be schedules end November

05-Oct-2022 09:28

Job Openings

2 PhD and 1 postdoc position, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation

Deadline for application: November 20, 2022

21-Jul-2021 19:48

Job openings

PhD and postdoc position in Drosophila Behavioral Circuit Neuroscience

The positions are open in the Philipsborn group:

The lab will move to the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, in February 2022, (Department for Neuro- and Movement Science), where we will continue to work on Drosophila Circuit Neuroscience and Behavioral Genetics. We are interested in motor control and the neurobiology of reproduction, with a focus on chemical and acoustic communication during sexual interactions. We are employing behavioral assays, audio recordings, genetic manipulation and optogenetics, bioimaging and neuronal reconstructions to understand how circuit motifs shape behavior.

Beginning: February 2022, or later

Duration: 3-4 years

Location: University of Fribourg

Working time: 100%

PhD: Working area and tasks

You will enroll at Fribourg Graduate School of Life Sciences (FGLS) for doctoral education. Possible scientific projects address: 1) the role of seminal fluid in male and female reproductive behavior, 2) neuronal mechanisms of state- dependent action control during reproduction or 3) development and function of sexual dimorphisms in motor patterning circuits.

PhD: Your profile

The ideal candidate has a Master Degree in Natural Sciences, interest in animal behavior and neuroscience, proficiency in English and the ability to work independently, creatively and efficiently. Good computer literacy, programming experience and knowledge of methods in neuroscience, microscopy, genetics and molecular biology is of advantage.

Postdoc: Working area and tasks

You are expected either to join a current project of the laboratory (addressing the communication of nervous system and reproductive organs and copulatory behavior) or to propose and develop your own project ideas (within the general interest and expertise of the lab). Involvement in academic teaching is possible, but no requirement. You are capable of training and fostering the scientific development of Bachelor and Master students. The position is fully funded, but efforts to acquire your own funding and work toward independence will be strongly supported.

Postdoc: Your profile

The ideal candidate has a PhD in Natural Sciences and a good academic track-record of original research, project management and problem-solving. Previous experience in any of the following areas is of advantage: neuroscience, Drosophila biology, connectomics or genetics, advanced microscopy or electrophysiology, mass spectrometry, behavioral experiments and their analysis and scientific programming.

How to apply/Contact

Please direct further questions and/or send your application (including a cover letter, CV, key records, references or reference contacts) in a single PDF file to Anne von Philipsborn (​


October 10, 2021

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